Award set up by the Foundation
The “Lebendige Stadt” Foundation presents a Foundation Award each year in recognition of innovative civic projects such as particularly outstanding cultural and civic marketing events, successful city displays comprising elements such as light, sound and water (as temporary or permanent installations), and projects in the field of building conservation and tourism, especially if these are of cultural or artistic value.
Fondation Award 2009
Paths into the City
Foundation Award 2009
Paths into the City: Child-Friendly Mobility
- „Lebendige Stadt” Foundation presents award to Griesheim in Hessen for its child-friendly mobility concept
- Special mentions for Kiel, Kaiserslautern and Oberursel
- International "Colorful City" conference kicks off with open-air theater at Cologne Cathedral
The Foundation Award was presented by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the „Lebendige Stadt” Foundation, Alexander Otto, at the "Gaffel" venue in Cologne in the presence of Prof. Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, State Secretary at the German Transport Ministry, and Alexander Möller, Head of Marketing at the DB Stadtverkehr GmbH rail company. "The winning concepts are also and in particular characterized by their exemplary nature and are ideally suited to serve as best practice models for other towns and municipalities", said Dr. Andreas Mattner, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the „Lebendige Stadt” Foundation.
In this year's Foundation Award competition staged by the „Lebendige Stadt” Foundation on the theme "Paths into the City: Child-Friendly Mobility", the expert jury decided with a clear majority in favor of the "concept" entitled "The Playable Town" in Griesheim in the state of Hessen. The jury was particularly impressed with a concept that was geared towards children and that not only focused on public spaces from the point of view of traffic safety but that also based on a broad definition of "mobility" as unhindered movement and the opportunity to play on public routes and paths. The Evangelical Polytechnic in Darmstadt and the Griesheim authorities are responsible for the concept itself and for long-term follow-up activities. The jury said that the way in which the town of Griesheim has succeeded in reclaiming the street environment for children and young people is exemplary, transforming it into an open space where children can play and interact. To achieve this goal, the municipality put up around 100 simple "play objects" in public spaces that not only encourage children to play in the street environment but that also serve as "route-finding" elements. This is a model that can be put into practice with minimum expense.
Special mention for Kaiserslautern
Three of the entered projects received special mentions, and the “Kaiserslautern Child Accident Commission” was among them. What the jury particularly liked about this concept was the broad approach towards integrating both state and non-state partners. The creation of the Accident Commission in 2002 and above all the pooling of concerns relating to child safety in the transport environment have paved the way for the implementation of numerous target group-focused measures to promote the safe mobility of children. These measures include traffic education, road area design and traffic checks. The work of the Child Accident Commission has been widely reported throughout Germany and has led to the creation of accident commissions in other towns and cities.
Special mention for Kiel
A further special mention went to the Child and School Route Safety Program in the state capital of Kiel. The jury decided on this project as it represents the systematic continuation of the main thoroughfare development planning concept as part of a long-term process. Particular mention was made of the fact that ongoing implementation of the program is ensured by a separate cost center in the civic budget. The jury also praised the Child and School Route Safety Program as a close-knit approach focusing on the optimum organization of road areas.
Special mention for Oberursel
The project "Oberursel under the magnifying glass" in the town of Oberursel in the Hochtaunus region of Hessen also received a special mention. In the opinion of the jury, what is special about the concept is that it implemented an exemplary and comprehensive participation model for children and youths in a project that involved the local children's and youth club as well as the International Children's and Youth Welfare Federation. In Oberursel, children and young people had an opportunity to track down shortcomings in playgrounds, green spaces, school routes, traffic thoroughfares and sports facilities under expert supervision. These defects were documented in a catalogue of measures that are now being implemented and that will have a positive impact on new planning and therefore also on the mobility of children.
The 2009 Jury
Hermann Henkel Jury chairman, Managing Director of HPP Architects
Hella Dunger-Löper Jury vice chairman, State Secretary for Construction and Housing, Berlin , Senate Administration for Urban Development
Andreas Bergmeier Member of the Board, Federal Working Committee
"More Safety for Children e.V."
Gunter Bleyer Road Safety Education, Agency for Schools and Vocational Training, Hamburg
Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Bökamp President, The Chamber of Engineers-Construction NRW
Dr. Gregor Bonin City Councillor for Urban Development, Construction and Real Estate, Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Volker Briese Expert for Bicycle Technology, Safety and Economy, Department for Cultural Studies, University of Paderborn
Dr. Albrecht Buttolo State Minister of the Interior, Saxony
Dipl.-Kfm. Günter Elste Chairman of the Board, Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Konrad Freiberg Chairman, German Union of the Police
Jens Friedemann Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Gertz Institute for Transportation and Logistics, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
Dr. Marion Gierden-Jülich State Secretary for Generations, Family, Women and Integration, North Rhine-Westphalia
Heinz Hilgers President, German Child Protection Agency
Karsten Hübener Chairman, Cyclists' Federation Germany
Friedel Kellermann Partner, RKW Architecture + Urban Construction
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Krüger Department of Psychology Methods and Traffic Sciences, University Würzburg
Peter Meyer President, ADAC
Dr. Herbert Schmalstieg Former Lord Mayor of Hanover
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreckenberg Department of Physics of Transport and Traffic, University Duisburg-Essen
Hermann Graf von der Schulenburg Vorsitzender des Vorstands der DB Stadtverkehr GmbH