'Lebendige Stadt' Foundation

Since the year 2000, the "Lebendige Stadt" Foundation has been successfully working for the future of our cities under the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Alexander Otto. The aim is to preserve the urban diversity of city centers as places where people work, as places where people have their home and as places of cultural activity. The work of the Foundation is focused on illumination concepts, green areas and the creation and design of urban spaces.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee conducts the business of the Foundation. It serves as a constant point of contact for all institutions and individuals who are committed to the development of our cities.



Dr. Andreas Mattner
President ZIA Germany

Other members


Torsten Albig
Managing Director Bundesverband Deutscher Postdienstleister e.V., Former Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein


Michael Batz
Theatre Maker and Scenographic Artist


Friederike Beyer
Managing Director, Beyer PR EVENT


Robert Heinemann
Managing Director, ECE Group Services G.m.b.H. & Co. KG


Wolfgang Kopitzsch
District Manager Hamburg-Nord ret., Chief Constable ret.


Dr. Eva Lohse
Lord Mayor of the City of Ludwigshafen ret., President of the German Association of Cities ret.


Prof. Jörn Walter
Former Chief Building Director, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg