'Lebendige Stadt' Foundation

Since the year 2000, the "Lebendige Stadt" Foundation has been successfully working for the future of our cities under the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Alexander Otto. The aim is to preserve the urban diversity of city centers as places where people work, as places where people have their home and as places of cultural activity. The work of the Foundation is focused on illumination concepts, green areas and the creation and design of urban spaces.

The Foundation Board

The Foundation Board is made up of prominent individuals from the fields of culture, science, business and research as well as from the municipalities, regions and associations. The Board discusses the basic principles of the Foundation and issues recommendations for implementation.


Dr. Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann
Member of the FDP Executive Committee


Vize Chairwoman
Dr. Monika Griefahn
CEO Monika Griefahn GmbH institut für medien umwelt kultur; former Minister

Other Members:

Dr. Volker Breid
Dr. Volker Breid
Managing Director, FAZ GmbH
Andreas Breitner
Andreas Breitner
Director Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.
Kirsten Bruhn
Kirsten Bruhn
Competitive swimmer in disabled sports to 2012
Rolf Buch
Rolf Buch
Chairman of Vonovia SE
Michael Busch
Michael Busch
Sprecher der Gesellschafterversammlung, Thalia
Olaf Cunitz
Olaf Cunitz
Major of Frankfurt/Main ret.
Garrelt Duin
Garrelt Duin
Minister ret.
Simone von Ehren
Simone von Ehren
Baumschule Lorenz von Ehren
Kristina Frank
Kristina Frank
Municipal Speaker of Munich City
Arved Fuchs
Arved Fuchs
Polar Explorer
Andreas Geisel
Andreas Geisel
Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing in Berlin ret.
Thomas Geisel, MdEP
Thomas Geisel, MdEP
Lord Mayor of Dusseldorf ret.
Joachim Herrmann, MdL
Joachim Herrmann, MdL
Bavarian Minister of State of the Interior, Sport and Integration
Dr. Daniel Holz
Dr. Daniel Holz
Vice President EMEA North at Google Cloud
Dr. Eckart John von Freyend
Dr. Eckart John von Freyend
Honorary President "Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft"
Burkhard Jung
Burkhard Jung
Lord Mayor of Leipzig, Vice-President of the Dt. Städtetag
Dr. Stephan Keller
Dr. Stephan Keller
Sibylle Keupen
Sibylle Keupen
Oberbürgermeisterin Stadt Aachen
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Roland Koch
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Roland Koch
Prime Minister ret.
Thomas Kufen
Thomas Kufen
Lord Mayor of Essen
Markus Lewe
Markus Lewe
Lord Mayor of Münster; President of Dt. Städtetag
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup
Chairman of the Board Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH ret.
Dorothee Martin, MdB
Dorothee Martin, MdB
Dr. Frank Mentrup
Dr. Frank Mentrup
Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe
Dr. Frank Nopper
Dr. Frank Nopper
Lord Mayor of Stuttgart
Aygül Özkan
Aygül Özkan
Managing Director of the German Property Federation (ZIA); Minister ret.
Christian Pegel, MdL
Christian Pegel, MdL
Minister of the Interior, Building and Digitalisation
Marcel Philipp
Marcel Philipp
Lord Mayor of Aachen
Henriette Reker
Henriette Reker
Lord Mayor of Cologne
Veronika Rücker
Veronika Rücker
Sports Director German Tennis Association
Dr. Dieter Salomon
Dr. Dieter Salomon
Managing Director IHK Südlicher Oberrhein
Olaf Schabirosky
Olaf Schabirosky
CEO, Hermes Germany GmbH
Josef Schmid, MdL
Josef Schmid, MdL
Former Major Munich
Jan Schneider
Jan Schneider
City Council of Frankfurt/Main ret.
Bärbel Schomberg
Bärbel Schomberg
CEO of Schomberg & Co. Real Estate Consulting GmbH
Mike Schubert
Mike Schubert
Lord Mayor of Potsdam
Mario Schüttauf
Mario Schüttauf
Chairman of the Board, CommerzReal Investmentgesellschaft mbH
Andreas Schwarz, MdL
Andreas Schwarz, MdL
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker
Senior Fellow, Roland Berger
Ullrich Sierau
Ullrich Sierau
Lord Major of Dortmund ret.
Nurhan Soykan
Nurhan Soykan
Vice-Chairwoman Central Council for Muslims in Germany
Rabbiner Yehuda Teichtal
Rabbiner Yehuda Teichtal
Vorsitzender Jüdische Gemeinde Chabad Berlin, Vorsitzender Stiftung Jüdischer Campus
Dr. Michael Vesper
Dr. Michael Vesper
Minister ret., Chairman of DOSB e.V. ret.
Dr. Joachim Wieland
Dr. Joachim Wieland
CEO, Aurelis Real Estate GmbH
Prof. Dr. Roland Wöller
Prof. Dr. Roland Wöller
Former Minister of State of the Interior, Sachsen