Award set up by the Foundation
The “Lebendige Stadt” Foundation presents a Foundation Award each year in recognition of innovative civic projects such as particularly outstanding cultural and civic marketing events, successful city displays comprising elements such as light, sound and water (as temporary or permanent installations), and projects in the field of building conservation and tourism, especially if these are of cultural or artistic value.
Foundation Award 2022
The “Lebendige Stadt” Foundation calls on all cities, towns, municipalities, nonprofit organisations and associations to enter for the Foundation Award 2022.
Foundation Award 2022
The Engaged Urban Community
Last year there were two major crises that had to be managed, namely the corona pandemic and the floods in the western and southern regions of Germany. Volunteer efforts ensured that people in need could be helped quickly and with a minimum of red tape. This was an area in which cities and municipalities worked hand in hand with private initiatives. This kind of honorary engagement has always played an important role in the community and in promoting togetherness in society, and the volunteer efforts of those involved in such projects is deserving of great respect and recognition.
As this engagement promotes social cohesion and provides support to people in need in exceptional situations, this year’s award is open to honorary engagement within the context of the corona pandemic and the flood disaster in 2021. The engagement in question should be coordinated with and performed in cooperation with a city/municipality. Unbureaucratic assistance, creative solutions and new ideas are considered to be especially valuable. The projects can be implemented in the social, cultural or sporting fields as well as in the area of civil protection and disaster relief.
The Foundation seeks to promote lighthouse projects that can serve as models for others. This is why particular importance is attached to inventive and creative solutions.